Axios instance

King Rayhan
Dec 19, 2022

In the JavaScript library Axios, an instance is an object that represents a connection to a specific server or service. It can be configured with various settings, such as the base URL for requests, headers, and other options.

Here’s an example of creating an Axios instance:

const instance = axios.create({
baseURL: '',
timeout: 1000,
headers: {'X-Custom-Header': 'foobar'}

Once you have an Axios instance, you can use it to send HTTP requests. For example, to send a GET request to the /users endpoint of the API, you can use the get method:

instance.get('/users').then(response => {
// handle the response here

You can also use the other HTTP methods provided by Axios, such as post, put, and delete, to send requests with different HTTP verbs.'/users', { name: 'John Smith' }).then(response => {
// handle the response here

