Be a superhero
Persuasive speech is one of the most critical speeches because people can convince their audience according to the speaker’s point of view. This genre of public speaking is very crucial for imposing self influence on a vast audience. In the given video, I saw The Teacher started a persuasive speech in a hilarious and friendly manner. The audience could easily connect with him because of his humorous way. He humorously began his speech, sporting a superman cape and a symbol on his chest with the character “G.” His speech hit the nail on the head when it came to the definition of heroes and why we don’t all have to wear capes like Superman to be heroes. He tried to make his audience believe that people don’t need to have the superpower of flying or jumping; instead, they should grow the mentality of helping others in any situation, no matter what. In the first place, his starting was really fantastic attention-grabbing, and his words were excellent, especially his hand gesture and movement was too relevant to the topic. But after some time, it was becoming boring as he was reading from his script and not maintaining eye contact with the audience.
He dramatically started his speech to symbolize the typical hero, and by this, he could draw the audience too quickly. Wearing a superman cape and a symbol with the character “G” on his chest, he began his statement with a laugh. As a result, his beginning is compelling because he was able to grab the attention of his audience.
I saw that the teacher meticulously wrote his speech. He discusses central themes like the true meaning of heroes and how society would benefit from everyone’s heroism. He emphasizes two variables in the script: opportunity and initiative and the notion that heroes come in all shapes and sizes and that those who serve others without regard for personal gain, even at the risk of their own lives, are heroes. The speech’s delivery and script were both excellent.
Though his speech’s words were excellent, he gradually lost audience attention because he spent most of his time gazing at his hand note. In my opinion, that occurred because of the lack of rehearsal before the speech. He should ask some questions to the audience so that the audience didn’t get bored. Also, it could do better interaction with the audience. And finally, His speech ended well when he presented a personal example of why his wife is a hero to him; this example enhanced the success of his speech and connected with the audience, allowing him to persuade them.