Finally, my project approved on Themeforest Marketplace

King Rayhan
3 min readJan 14, 2021


The image picked from

Since 2012, I have been working in the field of web application development. Although now I am working professionally at the very early period of my career journey I absolutely started from my passion. Now come to a special event that I never ever cannot forget. I was working on a project which was intended to submit to the biggest online website design selling marketplace. That was the most winning feelings moment of my entire life.

I was creating several projects which I got inspired by other awesome projects. I used to be involved in several online developer communities to get in touch and get the design idea from other people from this field. At one point I can to know about the online biggest marketplace which is named Theme Forest. There were extremely website design-oriented high-quality products. I used to surf almost every day. At one point I was thinking what if one of my projects will be there? Then I started to investigate the procedures and terms and conditions of this marketplace.

I came to know that they have several strict standards about coding structure, file structure, commenting style, etc. They have also a strict legal policy about not using any paid assets like videos and images. No one can use any paid images or videos or fonts without buying them. I could not imagine just submitting a project on this marketplace could be as tougher.

I started building my first project by gathering all of these requirements in February 2016. As I was aware of I am not supposed to copy any other’s design so I was brainstorming a lot for making a unique design idea. After a lot of struggle, I finished the project within March 2016. At that time I was so blessed with my own work that I could not think that this also could be rejected. Unfortunately, my first submission was rejected by the reviewer team. They pointed out lots of issues through email. That was one of my most down feeling that I could ever remember.

After a while, I again started working with creating new morale. I made another project. This time they did not completely reject my project rather they asked for several changes to that. I made changes and submit them but again they asked for a few changes. After this type of several soft rejections, they finally reject that submission completely. I realize that submitting the project to ThemeForest is not in my ability. I completely lost my hope.

After two or one and a half month later I decided to let me give another try. This time I prayed a lot to Almighty in every prayer. I again started working on a new project and user interface design idea. I knew that I was not the person whose project could be approved on the ThemeForest market. But I took it as a challenge to myself, let’s see if again I get rejection or not. After finishing the project I again submitted the project. This time I knew that this is going to be rejected again. And yes, it happened so. They asked for some changes and told me to submit it again. I was thinking, “I know my project will reject whatever the project is because of my disability, should I submit again?”. I don’t know why my mind told me to make changes and submit that again for the review.

I can’t express my joyful feelings with any words. It was midnight, I woke up for taking seheri. I just checked my mail inbox. I saw that my product was approved. I can’t trust my eyes. My eyes were wiped with tears of joy. I can’t express how it feels. My body was shaking. I was eating and my eye was tearing.



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